7 Grave Decorations To Honor Your Spouse

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Alecia Milano
Posted by Alecia Milano on September 26, 2023

Losing a spouse comes with indescribable pain that reshapes the fabric of our lives. As the years go by, anniversaries take on a blend of joy and sorrow—a mix of cherished memories and the ache of absence. 

In the midst of grief, finding ways to keep your loved one’s memory alive becomes a solemn yet important task. While traditional ways of memorialization have their significance, finding comfort and a sense of connection can also come from more meaningful and lasting acts, like decorating your loved one’s grave. 

Continue reading for seven grave decoration ideas for your spouse’s headstone.  

1. Engraved Or Painted Stones and Rocks Engraved Or Painted Stones and Rocks

Commemorate your love with an engraved or painted stone or rock. These stones can be personalized with your spouse’s name, your wedding date or a heartfelt message. 

Placed at the gravesite, these stones become a symbol of enduring love. Consider starting a tradition of bringing a new stone to the gravesite each year. This provides an added visual representation of your love as these stones accumulate over the years.

>>> Related Resource: Why Do People Put Stones On Graves? Here Are 5 Reasons 

2. Meaningful Mementos 

Meaningful Mementos

Small tokens can hold a lifetime of memories. Placing a memento that holds significance for both of you at the gravesite can help you experience that connection again.

It could be a framed picture of the two of you, a beloved book or an item that symbolizes a shared passion. These mementos create a bridge between the past and present, keeping your memories alive. 

Tip: Consider placing copies of original items at the cemetery so that valuable belongings are not ruined, lost or stolen.  


3. Candles or Solar Lights 

Engraved Or Painted Stones and Rocks

Illuminating the night with the soft glow of candles or solar lights can be another way to honor your spouse. Choose ones that match your loved one’s personality, whether they're classic, whimsical or rustic. Not only do candles or solar lights beautify your loved one’s gravesite, but they can also symbolize the light your spouse brought into your life. 

>>> Related Resource: 8 Eco-Friendly Memorialization Alternatives to Paper Lantern Releases 


4. Custom Memorial Bench

Custom Memorial Bench

Sometimes, the most meaningful remembrances come in the form of a quiet moment. A permanent custom memorial bench placed near the gravesite can offer you a space to reflect, remember and cherish the love you shared.  

You can even opt to engrave a message or quote onto the bench that encapsulates your feelings, creating a space that becomes a sanctuary of memories. This bench provides comfort for you, and also invites others to pause and reflect on those they have lost. 

>>> Related Resource: 6 Design Considerations for Husband and Wife Headstones 


5. Fresh or Artificial Flowers

Create a serene memorial garden at the cemetery using your spouse's favorite flowers, or others that hold sentimental or symbolic value. Some cemeteries will allow you to plant them directly in the ground while others may require you to place them in decorative pots or vases.  

Fresh or Artificial Flowers

6. Flower Bouquet Arrangement

Did you surprise your spouse with a bouquet of flowers on special occassions? Continue the tradition by placing a bouquet at their gravesite. Choose fresh flowers or high-quality silk flowers that mirror your spouse's favorite blooms. 

In case you didn’t know, we have a beautiful bouquet selection at our Milano Inspirations gift shop. Stop by any time Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to see what we have in stock.  

Flower Bouquet Arrangement

7. Customized Seasonal Wreaths

Customized Seasonal Wreaths

Craft or purchase wreaths that change with the holidays or different seasons. Swap out the wreath to match the season—especially those that your spouse loved most. Whether adorned with vibrant spring blooms, rustic fall leaves or delicate winter accents, these grave decorations add a touch of changing beauty to the gravesite. 


Additional Memorialization Ideas for You

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